Asian Justice Rally at the Georgia Capitol

ASIAN JUSTICE RALLY: JUSTICE FOR AAPI WOMENOne Year after the Atlanta AAPI Shooting The Atlanta Asian Justice Rally Coalition (the “Coalition”) is a collective of non-profit organizations and community partners working to mourn for the victims of the […]

NAAAP Atlanta – N3 Event

Are you ready for the first in-person NAAAP Atlanta event in 2022? NAAAP Atlanta is proud to kick off spring with our March N3 - Special Premiere of Bina's 6 Apples! Join us at Alliance Theatre on […]

Advocating for DE&I in your Organization Panel

NAAAP Atlanta is proud to partner with Ranstand, a multinational human resource consulting firm, for an incredible panel on the topic of "Advocating for DE&I in your Organization. DE&I is more than just Diversity (Talent Acquisition). So how do we build an environment that ensures Equity and Inclusion? We will cover a range of topics […]

Test Event

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